Monday, May 12, 2008

Catching Up much going on lately...

So...the trip to Florida was awesome! I KNEW the moment I saw that meeting scheduled in Sarasota that David needed to go...I KNEW it would change our lives...and it has...already! I don't even know where to start to say HOW!

As soon as we were back in Georgia we started hearing about the revival in Lakeland. We were bummed because had we known, we would have taken Kyle while we were there....we weren't far at all!

Then we heard about an outpouring of that revival in Woodstock, we took Kyle last Thursday. He told me his foot wouldn't be healed there...that was un-nerving...but he was right. David's ears were prayed over as well...and he went to a prayer meeting Saturday morning and felt like he heard everything ok. But I'm not sure either of us were convinced it was DONE.

So then I had a conversation with Damon Sunday morning about prophets and how they are always *different*...and I was wondering...about how *different* I feel....and thinking...could that be why? Or maybe it's just that I'm just

With all the talk about the Lakeland revival, Jen sent a link to watch it on the 'net...and so we did last night. Todd Bentley talked about dreams and visions and words of knowledge...and I thought about how Jenny and I used to go back and forth with all of those things...and how we haven't in so long.

He also said something that really touched me. He said that Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Yes. Then he said that if all of those healings and stuff happened THEN...and He is IN US today...that they SHOULD still be happening today...cuz HE DOESN'T CHANGE!!! WOW!!!

That went with what David heard at Gary Keesee's conference...that Jesus said we would do all that He did...and more!!!

So...we watched the revival last night...and Kyle couldn't leave the room. He was so tired he was falling asleep...but I believe he felt the anointing as strongly as we did...and I was AMAZED that we were JUST WATCHING IT ON THE 'NET!

At one point Bentley called out healing for the deaf...and God moved me to lay hands on David's ears again. So I prayed...and he said he felt warmth INSIDE his ears...even AFTER I took my hands away. And then he called me this morning and told me that he KNEW it was done....cuz he heard the guy at work that ALWAYS MUMBLES...and he heard him CLEARLY!!! WOOHOO!!!

OK...and so the dream thing. A few weeks ago I had a dream that was so real it woke me up. It was very intense. God told me a flood was coming...and that many people would die if I didn't warn them. I woke up in a sense of panic...a sense of urgency...but I brushed it off as a dream, thinking that God said in the Bible He would never again destroy the earth with a flood.

Then I talked to Jenny this morning...and when I told her the dream...she said she was reminded of a vision she had had a while ago...and it was one she had told me about...and I had thought of the same vision shortly after that dream...but didn't put it together.

Anyway...the *flood* is a spiritual flood...and people will die spiritually if they don't realize that God is holding them up as the water swirls around them. I'm not sure I get that quite yet...

But it also reminds me of a vision I had where I had gone over a waterfall...and I was afraid at first...but then I realized I was floating...and resting...

So...putting it all together some more...

I was thinking about the anointing and trying to figure out how what Bentley was saying fit in with other things I've learned over the past couple of years from Jim...and even Gary. And the anointing *works* in healing...because you RECEIVE the healing at that point! It's not that you're WAITING for God to WORK...but that you ACCEPT that He DID IT ALL when you receive the anointing!

So do you walk in the anointing daily? Jenny got that word. It's by meditating on the Word. And that can seem overwhelming to a mom with many. But it's not about constantly sitting at the table taking in the Word...but rather meditating and digesting the Word throughout the day!

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