Saturday, August 25, 2007

Prayer time (8/25)

As I was waiting to fall asleep last night I was thinking about contentment. How in the world could Paul be content in any situation? What did he know that I can't seem to figure out ???

I think I'm finally beginning to understand what it means to be content internally....and how that can be the stability I long for. I understand it...but I don't know how to *get it*. How can I not be moved by situations and circumstances?

I have to wonder what Jesus had that enabled Him to live a sinless life. He had the Holy Spirit...and so do I. Was it the 40 days in the desert? I always associate a desert as a very lonely place and time. But maybe He was able to really connect with God in that time so deeply that nothing could shake Him. Is that really possible for me? It sounds like such a mountain! What a paradox!

He grew up in as much...if not more...legalism than I did...I But somehow He could sit under the teachers in the synagogue and still not let go of who He knew God to be. How???? Was the fact that Mary and Joseph were totally convinced He was God's Son help them to help Him keep His focus? Good grief...I can't find my own way these days! How in the world can I point my children in the *right* direction?!

I know at least part of the root is finding my identity in Christ. It didn't take a lot of effort to find my identity in other people and roles in my life...why does this seem so much harder? To me...that's proof that evolution is garbage. I mean...if it's so easy to adopt the *base* things in life...and so hard to adopt the Godly things...then how can scientists say that people and animals moved *up* in development???

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