Tuesday, September 1, 2009


This is a second attempt at coherently expressing my thoughts on vaccinations....

I read an article today by the CDC that stated that the reason that *people* are *catching* the *swine* flu virus, is because the virus has *mutated*. When I brought this up to Chandler and Kaelyn, who have taken high school biology, they both looked at me like I was crazy.


The CDC bases their claims on their *fact* that viruses will mutate to avoid the immunity that a host has built up to it. That way they can reinfect the same host again. This made no sense at all to me, until I started reading some of the comments. Then I realized that they're evolutionists...OF COURSE they would believe that a virus can mutate...after all, doesn't everything go from a less organized state to a more organized state?

But the thing that really got me, is that, with the way they explain the ability of a virus to mutate to avoid a host's immunity, completely debunks their line of reasoning for vaccinations! What good are the vaccinations if the viruses can mutate to *get around them*????

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