Thursday, January 1, 2009

Looking Ahead

Happy New Year 2009!!!

This year Kaelyn will get her driver's license, graduate from high school, and turn 18...where did the time go?!

This year Chandler will get his learner's permit and turn 16...for real?!

This year Corey will turn 13...and we will have 3 teenagers in the house...eeeekkk!!!!

This year Chris will become a Webelo and turn 10...4 in double digits!

This year Kyle will turn 7...seriously?!

This year Joshie will turn 5...holy cow!

This year Noelle will turn 2...thankfully at the END of the

This year David will be 44 and I will be 42...sure doesn't feel like it!

This year David and I will celebrate our 20th Wedding Anniversary...has it really been that long?! (We're planning to renew our vows...woohoo!!!)

Now that the *givens* are out of the way...these things will happen no matter what...on to goals for the year....

Get all of our debt (except the house) paid off. (The house would be nice, too...but that would DEFINITELY be a God-thing!)

We're getting a second car...for cash...NO PAYMENTS!!!

Get our house renovations LCD TV in the living living room furniture...walls finished and painted...floor finished (haven't figured out how yet, though) area redone...playroom curtains in the living room.

That's not all...but it's a start...

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