Thursday, November 20, 2008


Let's just say that the last few weeks have been less than stellar in the financial department. It certainly has been challenging. I've been praying quite a bit lately that my focus would shift from what the paycheck will be to God's provision, no matter what form that takes. This morning I got to test that request....and it's worked!

I read this blog this morning... ... and it was such confirmation it made me cry. I have struggled to be grateful...mostly because (as I said in my last post) I have had the tendency to look at what I DON'T have at the same time. But I have been working on that...with God's help...since I've tried on my own and that hasn't gone so well. But things are different.

I've heard that when you mix an emotion with a belief, THAT is when things start to happen. The blog I read this morning explained that a little more. So I've been working on that...thinking of all the things I'm grateful for until I FEEL grateful. It paid off this morning. I had an awesome opportunity to be angry and frustrated. And, quite honestly, that was my first reaction. But it was much more *shallow* than it's been in the past...that much I could tell. But as David and I talked about our situation, I suddenly began to FEEL KNOW (in my toes) that everything REALLY DOES work out for me...that we ARE blessed!!! And at that point, I wasn't even trying...I was just trying to

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